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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Free The Girls 5K run/walk

It's a nice morning and I think it's going to be a nice day.  I'm really looking forward to this week of very few miles and then lots of carb loading at the end.

Here's what I have been up to this past week or so:

After my 20 mile run I took off both Saturday and Sunday from any activity.  Sunday was Mother's Day and we had a really nice day of visiting with family.

Monday:  Zumba!  My legs didn't feel very great and after class I had shin splints! Eeeek!  I guess that 20 miles was pretty hard on my body.

Tuesday:  My plan said to run 4, but because I did my 20 mile run almost a week late I'm trying to taper more gently so I ran 3 miles instead.  The first half mile was pretty painful.  My knees were stiff and my left hamstring kept cramping... ouch!  Then after I rubbed my legs a bit I got back to jogging and I finished without any problem.

Wednesday:  I took off to try and get my legs rested a little better.

Thursday:  It was 83 when I set out to run 5... Wait, 83?  WOW it was hot after running mostly in 50-60 degree weather.  I set out with my hydration belt but it drove me absolutely nuts so I ran back by the house, but then I was SO thirsty.  I bailed after 2.3 miles with the intention of finishing the run later.  My legs were still pretty tired and stiff.  I spent the afternoon rolling out the sore spots with a tennis ball on the floor.  I didn't go back out to run because by the end of the day it was 86 and still SO hot.

Friday:  I set out to run 5 again in a cool 55 degree rain.  I dressed more warmly than I usually do for a rain run (b/c usually I end up freezing on a rain run -HA!) with full tights and a long sleeve running shirt and running hat.  I had a great run!  The rain felt great and my legs felt better!  I finished the 5 with an average pace around 10 minutes/mile.

Free The Girls 5K run/walk:

I went to Zumba Friday night and people were talking about a 5K the following morning that was only $5 if you brought a bra to donate.  It was put on by the Zonta Club of Ogdensburg.  It was a benefit for the Free the Girls not for profit organization that helps women in developing countries rescued from sex trafficking set up small enterprises by selling second hand bras that they are supplied by this organization.  The 38C hot pink bra I purchased at Walmart for 3.98 will directly help some woman somewhere make a living.  That's pretty cool.

I thought the race was at 9AM so I was all ready the next morning to really give it a go.  There were only about 10 runners milling about with bras proudly displayed over their running/walking attire (to be donated at the end of the race).  It turned out the race started at 10AM and registration started at 9AM... I couldn't very well hang around for an hour waiting for a race that would only be 30 minutes (especially since I had left the house at 8:30 thinking I would be back around 9:45).  I gave the race director my bra and told her to keep  my registration fee.  The other people sat down to wait.

I felt really deflated leaving the event.  I went home and did some laundry and picked up around the house a bit more.  Then Jacki wondered if I was going and I told her about going there early and leaving, but that I was considering going back.  She said if I was going she was definitely in so I ate another slice of toast and I drove back to the race site (on the other side of town).

The race director was very glad to see that I was able to return and we quickly found my donated bra and strapped it back over my clothes.

The race was an out and back along part of the Maple City trail that I have been running (part of it is broken from the flooding this Spring) on occasion.  I tried to be super fast.  Jacki quickly took the lead!!!  I tried to hold a nice pace that kept me practically gasping and really wishing I hadn't devoted myself to running.  I slapped Jacki a nice high five as she returned from the turn around point and she was still leading the pack!!

I ended up finishing in 28:17!!!  An average pace of 9:17 minutes/mile!!!  This is my fastest ever 5K race or 5K of any kind!  YAY!!! 

Raise the roof for that 5K time!!!

Jacki won the race!!! Yippee!!!!  Maybe someday I'll be fast like that ;)

So that's what is up around here.  Only one week left before the marathon!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!

Thank you for reading and have a great week! :)

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