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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

I'm back at it!

I had baby Andrea in a super uncomplicated fast birth last August.  A week from today she will be 1!!! I took a lot of time off from regular running.  I'm one of those moms that gives up too much of herself when I have a baby to care for.  I'm also a staunch breastfeeding mom and it's hard to get away.  I did do Zumba fairly regularly and I extremely happy to report that I only briefly felt like I had depression!  I still am struggling with anxiety but it doesn't control my life so I think I'm winning!

Quickly here is a screen shot of my past month!  I'm trying to do an informal 10K for my 35th birthday on the 25th of August.  

Woo!  40 miles!

I just killed a 3 mile run at almost 10min/mile! :)

Lots of changes coming up around the corner and I'm hoping to keep sticking to this running. We're moving into a new house we are buying, then I'm starting a new job teaching Biology labs at a local college, and the boys will be going to a new school.  I'm excited! 

Thanks for reading!