Now on Twitter!

You can follow me now on twitter as well @kdpotter25

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cici the racing bike

I have a racing bike that my coworker fixed up for me.  Her name is Cici and he's bringing her home today and hopefully I won't die on my first ride...

I pretty much only know; ride on the right, wear a helmet... :P

Here she is and hopefully I will have time to update you all more in the future about our adventures.

Thanks for reading and have a great summer day!

Swimming another mile for Hospice

I completed the swim last year.  It was fantastic!  

I'm participating again!  If anyone is out there, here is my donation page:

Support me here!

I have to raise $75 to swim. :)

Realized I have to keep these posts SO SHORT or I will never post them!

Thanks for checkin in!
Have a great Wednesday :)