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Thursday, March 26, 2015

My Favorite New Snack!

#Runners love snacks and so do pregnant women so I thought I would share with you a very healthy snack that I discovered yesterday while looking for healthy pancake recipes on Pinterest yesterday (still looking for pancake ideas btw).

It's a breakfast cookie bar that is "clean" and MAN is it simple to make and tasty too!  I just had one with my coffee for my after exercise treat.  YUM!  And it's good for me too!


Peanut Butter and Jelly Oatmeal Breakfast Bars

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Two Days Into 10K Training (seriously this feels like marathon training)

Can I just reiterate that I LOVE having a goal and setting up a plan to get there.

I've been trying to stay active because it makes me feel really great, but without a goal and a plan I was just sort of puttering through occasional runs and Zumba classes.  

I know it's only been a couple days since I decided to train for a 10K in May, but I feel so much more focused and happy to have a goal and be on my way.

Tuesdays plan was to do my Zumba class and I did.  It was so nice to be back at class after my instructor was out for medical reasons all last week.  I am not doing the moves as deeply and I'm paying attention to my breathing.  I also have to stop for potty breaks and take drinks of water after almost every song, but I'm there having fun!  So far so good with the Zumba.

Today (Weds.) the plan was a 2.5 mile run.  The weather was mild this morning with sun, no wind, and 32 (It's supposed to be warmer later, but also rain) so I strapped Darren into the single stroller all snug as a bug while Jeremy was at morning Pre-K and out we went.  Man, I find it hard to push a stroller and run!  I was super slow and I had some round ligament pain that made me walk quite a bit.  I would get going and when I took a walk break I would get some pain and have to walk that out before I tried running again.  BUT, I put in the 2.5 miles and at least we got some fresh air and I was nice and sweaty.  Ahhhh.  Now if it would just be mild every day.

So, I'm off and going on the training!  Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

I have #Running Fever!

It must be a combination of really bright sun and frustrating cold that has heated me into a running fever this morning.  I was thinking about the people I know that are training for marathons and it occurred to me that there are relays available at some marathons.  I'm pretty sure I could run 6.2 miles (10K).  I just did 4 miles the other day and felt pretty awesome.  I won't be racing, but I can still enjoy the mileage at my pace right?

So I dug up the Running in the USA website and, while I don't think I'll be doing a relay, I started looking for some 10K races that aren't too far away. If you have never used the Running in the USA website it's a great way to scan through races based on state, month, and distance.  Super easy.  

So back to my search.  I found a race that is only about an hour away and it's stroller friendly!  It's the Run to the Sun 5K, 10K, and half marathon.  Also it's only $25 to enter.  Not bad.  It's in 45 days.  I can already do 4 miles, so I should be able to just jump into the Hal Higdon Novice 10K training program in week 2 and be just fine.  The long run this Sunday should be 3.5 miles.  Check.

So now to make up a program for the coming week based on the training program:

Week 2 March 24-29 (modified for me)
Tues. Zumba
Weds.  2.5 mile run
Thurs. 2 mile run + Prenatal DVD of choice (strength focus)
Fri. Prenatal DVD of choice (cross train focus)
Sat. (we're traveling for a family vacation) so I will choose to REST here
Sun. (on vacation) 3.5 mile run -hopefully I find a treadmill somewhere.

Week 3 March 30- April 5th (modified for me)
Mon. (on vacation) strength and stretch -I'll get creative -do you think a massage qualifies?
Tues. (on vacation) 2.5 mile run -treadmill or outside
Weds. Zumba
Thurs. 2 mile + Prenatal DVD of choice (strength focus)
Fri. Zumba
Sun. (Easter!) 4 mile run

Well, that's the plan.  Let's see if I can stick to it! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Being a novice pregnant runner

I'm not exactly "green" when it comes to running now.  I've participated in many races all the way up to a marathon.  It definitely doesn't make me an expert on the subject but I think I'm somewhere in the 'advance beginner' or 'competent' stage of the Dreyfus Model of skill acquisition.  What I'm not so sure of is being a pregnant runner.

I have stayed active and included running in all three of my pregnancies.  With my past two pregnancies I was at the more beginner stages of running and really pregnancy doesn't last that long and it is always changing so it is hard to get into a running rhythm.  That has been the case this time even though I'm a more seasoned runner.  It is really hard to anticipate how your first trimester will go.  I was absolutely miserable and I took it very easy on myself.  I wasn't eating regularly and I was absolutely exhausted.  This stage of my pregnancy also occurred during the deep, dark, and cold parts of winter -so that also made it more difficult to be active.  

When I was very newly pregnant I kept running like I had been and I told myself that I would use the treadmill when I couldn't run outside.  In my past pregnancies I have always avoided the treadmill because I was worried I might fall off.  I was convinced that I would not feel that way this time.  I've logged lots of miles on our treadmill, why not do it while pregnant?  But you  know what?  Just like all the past times I got this deep seated fear that I would fall off.  So, no treadmill runs.  Pregnancy is weird that way.  You can't really control it like you think you will be able to (or at least I can't).  

Now I'm in my second trimester and back on my game energy-wise.  I'm still not getting out there like I should.  My clothes don't really fit right and I feel like Goldilocks about the weather.  It has to be juuuuust right.  Also, going to Zumba has been so much fun that I've just been doing that.  This week our Zumba instructor is "ill" and I figured I had better drag out some of my workout DVDs... Bleh.  

Yesterday I put the Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout in while Jeremy was at Pre-K.  It's a nice DVD, but the conversations between the trainers are a bit annoying.  I remember all of it from my past two pregnancies.  Maybe I should just turn the volume off. HA!

Then I ran two miles last night!  Yippee!  

This morning I put in my 10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates DVD.  You can do all 5, 10 minute groupings or pick any of the sections that you want in the order that you select.  I picked "standing pilates" -which I really liked, "core pilates" -which was fine but not very challenging, and "pilates for flexibility" -which was the most difficult section for me.  I guess I need to work on my flexibility -mostly the hamstrings, which made all the poses a bit tight and awkward.  I did not pick the "pilates for buns and thighs" or "total body pilates" sections.  To be honest my bum is a bit sore from yesterday so the buns and thighs sounded painful and unnecessary.

So that's about it from now from your novice pregnant runner!  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

DIY Wrist/hand warmers for #running!

I'm pretty interested in up cycled goods.  I've been reading posts on Pinterest about using old wool sweaters to make arm and leg warmers and other items for babies.

I have a really nice collection of Acorn Unisex Versafit (fleece) socks.  These are my absolute favorite socks in the world.  I live in them from mid-September to mid-May.  I wear them around the house, in my shoes, to bed... you get the picture.  The only problem is that I don't wear slippers and eventually the bottoms wear out.  I wear them until the holes on the heel and foot pad are over an inch wide.  The socks are otherwise in great condition.  I've been wondering if I could sew a new bottom on and make a slipper sock -which I still might do, or other fun things to get more use out of them -rather than just throwing them away.

So I was looking through Pinterest for ways to up cycle old socks and I found a post about making finger-less gloves from socks.  SO voila!  Out came the sewing machine for 5 minutes of straight seams and I made a pair from my very worn-down-on-the-bottom socks for when I'm out running in the Spring/Fall.  I think they're pretty cute and they are definitely warm!  Thought I would share.

(Leonardo the ninja turtle helped along with my boys by touching absolutely everything in my sewing kit...)

Hopefully we'll be running in warmer weather soon and I won't need these babies until the fall!

The conclusions of the Frozen Foote Series!

I finished out the Frozen Foote Series on Saturday morning.  The weather was looking less than ideal and I wasn't particularly excited about going the night before, but I pulled it together in the AM and the run was great!  I'm so glad that I went.

It looked like it would be 35 and raining.  Cold rain is my absolute least favorite weather.  I got out my water proof LandsEnd hooded jacket.  It is not the absolute best choice for running because it doesn't breath, but it does keep me warm if it is raining.  My other soft shell running jacket is only water resistant and it really doesn't do much in the rain.  

I started early instead of going with the gun start because I just wasn't sure how slow I would be and how much I would need to walk.  I haven't been running consistently, but I have been doing Zumba again 2-3 times a week and feeling pretty fine.  I was pleasantly surprised by how mild the weather was -not really any wind and it only very lightly and sporadically sprinkled.  I also felt great!  Granted I was slower than normal, but I really didn't need to walk that much.  I probably could have gotten by without walking at all, but I was just trying to take it easy because I haven't been training consistently.  

I was exactly 17 weeks pregnant and I'm feeling great!  4-miles in the bag.  Hopefully I can get out there more consistently in the next few months.  I have NO interest in treadmill running (to be honest I would rather just go to Zumba b/c it is so much more fun) so we will see!

Here I am with my race shirt (for finishing 3 out of 4 races)!

Thank you for reading!  Have a great week!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

February Recap

This one is going to be easy.

Mileage for the month: 5.5 miles.  bwahahahaha But hey, it's better than Jan!

Races: The February Frozen Foote #3, 4-mile race in Canton.

I decided to be one of the people that shows up before the "race" to do the course and then record my time.  Otherwise I would have been running and walking right in front of the ambulance that "sweeps" the course -and that would have been way too annoying.

I started about 20 minutes before the race began and I'm not going to lie, it was TOUGH.  I had to start walking after about half of a mile.  I would just run a bit and then walk until I felt like I had a little pep built up.  It was a nice morning.  A little new snow and some sun.  It was about 20 degrees out.  Not too shabby for February considering that it had been -25 a few days before.  I ended up finishing the race with the leaders, which was fine.  I recorded my time and headed home.  I was pretty tired for the rest of the day.  Hopefully I will get my energy back and exercise won't "ruin" the rest of the day eventually -until the end of the pregnancy that is.

So there you  have it.  A month of starting to feel better and get back in on the action.  I'm hoping to put in 30-40 miles in March -counting both walking and running.  Also, hopefully the weather for the Frozen Foote #4 in March will be conducive to a prego lady participating.

Thank you for reading!  Have a great week!

Mama K is going to be a mommy again!

OK.  For the record I have not run hardly at all yet this year.  I finished out 2014 pretty strong, but ya know what?  I'm pregnant!  Woot Woot!  We're due in August on the 22nd and the last few months have been TOUGH.  Like just ran a marathon and have the stomach flu-type feeling tough.

I held up in December, but by the end of the month I was getting that ewwwww queasy feeling all mothers-to-be dread.  I think my last semi-pleasant run was on Dec. 28th.  I tried out a new pair of running shoes that my husband gave me for Christmas.  I have not worn them since.  (which is why I have not reviewed them for you)

January was an absolute disaster.  I had NO energy and barely left the couch for about two weeks straight.  I spent the rest of my time trying to stay awake and gagging before and after eating anything.  The only things that were appealing were chips, french fries, cold cereal, cold water, and PIZZA.  Om Nom I can eat pizza no matter what!  

Needless to say I did not make it to the Frozen Foote race (#2 in the 4 race series) because I was incredibly dizzy and I was seriously worried that even if I walked the race I would be the person trying out the ambulance they have on stand-by.  

February turned out to be a little bit better.  I started venturing out to Zumba classes again.  I also went for that 1 nice run in the snow that I posted about.  I think it was 1.5 miles and I was DEAD when I got back, but it felt great to be back out there.  I'll tell you how the Frozen Foote race #3 in February went in the Feb. recap.  (coming VERY soon)

I feel much better and I'm getting a little bit of energy back.  I'm hoping to start running gently soon.  I think I'll start tracking my mileage again, but I'm going to count all distance whether it was walked or running.  I'm definitely going to have to take a lot of walking breaks.  

Also, a huge lift to my spirits is that the  beginning of March has already been SO much milder than January and February.  I am really enjoying the SUN!  It was also above 32 yesterday!  I think with my returning energy and the return of milder weather I should be able to get moving again.  

Little baby squirmy! My new running pal.

We're very excited about adding #3.  Thank you for reading!