Let me tell you about the race...
It's a series in a small college town called the Frozen Foote. There are 4 races and if you run 3 of the 4 you get a shirt at the end. It's a short 4 mile race that is an out and back from St. Lawrence University along Miner St. We missed the first one of the series in Dec. I guess we had better make it to the Feb. and March ones! So Saturday morning was particularly gorgeous because it was warm! 45! We dropped the boys off at my brother and SIL's house and went to the race instead of Tom pushing them in the stroller. What a GREAT decision that turned out to be b/c it started to pour huge stinging droplets about 1/4 of a mile into the race. Should have checked the radar... I had peeled my extra layer of running tights off and one of my shirt layers b/c I thought I would end up hot. The rain was SO cold. People turned back. I kept telling myself I was tough. I also could not stop thinking about Tom wearing a (now soaked and frozen) cotton mock turtle neck instead of a tech shirt.
My only saving grace was my down vest and my knee-high Smartwool socks. At least my feet were warm even though they were soaked. I really wish I had worn my rain jacket that sat warm and dry in the car. The race was not a pretty sight. Thankfully we ran out into the wind and once we turned around I was much warmer. I have not been that cold in a very very long time. Maybe never. My arms felt literally frozen.
Once we were back to the car we changed into our dry clothes as best we could and went to pick up the kids. Coffee tasted amazing.
Really looking forward to the race next month...
Most of my races will probably be 5Ks, but I'm signing up for a half with my niece Jacki and my Zumba instructor (and anyone else that wants to join)! We're pretty sure it will be the CNY Bread Run in Fabius NY on 9/21/14.
Lots of running ahead.
Thank you for reading and Happy New Year!
You continue to inspire me. Wow. Such a change from your first post!