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Friday, December 12, 2014

The November Recap

Oh man have I lost that blogging bug lately.  I get pretty bogged down with Christmas in November.  I'm that guy that is pretty much ready for Christmas by the end of November.  Want to know why?  Because then I can spend all of December eating Christmas cookies and not shopping, decorating, writing cards... True story.  And those things all take up an enormous amount of my time.  It has also allowed me to get some nice easy running in and enjoy December and the Christmas spirit.

BUT before I get ahead of myself talking about December I need to tell you about how November went!

Goal 1: Run 40 miles/month.

Yet again I did that thing where I didn't run for a LONG time at the beginning of the month and then had to pack in the miles at the end.  I didn't run until the 11th, which I think is a record number of days in a row for me to not run this year without being ill or injured.  So boo to that, but I was able to pull myself together and finish.  I had a 9.2 mile week, a 13.8 mile week, and then a 14.4 mile week.  Then on the last day of November I managed the 2.7 miles that I needed to JUST finish 40 miles.  Nothing like being only an achiever and not an overachiever!

Despite my ability to put running off (which might mean more miles per month would keep me more "honest" and running more regularly to keep up with my goals), even at this point, I think that my 40 miles/month goal is a good one for me.  If the goal was much higher it would be stressful for me to get the miles in instead of relaxing.  The target of 40 miles gets me out running about 3 times a week and with Zumba sprinkled in, that gets me exercising about 5 times a week.  I think that's pretty good!

Goal 1: Check!

Onto Goal 2: Run in at least one race/month.

Tom and I participated in the Gobbler Gallop in Heuvelton this Thanksgiving morning and it was a PERFECT morning for a run.  It was just around freezing, overcast and not windy.  Tom pushed the boys in the jog stroller and yet again beat me even though there were hills that would have absolutely killed me if I was pushing the boys.

There was an awesome turnout for both the run and the fun walk.  I was really happy to see so many people turn out for a very small-town run.  They had twice as many participants this year as they did last year.  There were families and even pretty small children enjoying the morning.

Another really nice thing about this race is that the entry "fee" is two non-perishables for the local food pantry.  They had a pretty impressive pile of food when I quickly signed our family in (RIGHT before the starting gun).

Goal 2: Check!

Thanks for reading! Hope you had a great week and enjoy the weekend.

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