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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2014 !!! What a year for Mama K!

2014 was a big year for Mama K!

684.2 miles

18 races INCLUDING;

9 5Ks
4 4-milers
1 10K (my portion of a team marathon)
1 15K
1 Trail half marathon
1 Ragnar Relay
1 Marathon!

1 33rd Birthday 33 day running streak

3 pairs of running shoes

2 sticks of body glide

A bunch of new running accessories

and 10 toenails later...


What a year.  I'm really proud of myself.  Committing to running a marathon was a huge decision and it had a really big impact on how my year went.  It was terrific, focused and best of all; full of fun, friends and memories!

I liked my goals and how they helped to structure my year.

My first goal was to run 40 miles each month in order to not let myself drag into nothingness.  It worked!  I only missed my goal in two months.  The first month I missed the goal was June and that was from a overuse injury from the May marathon.  Then I missed by 7 miles in Dec. because while I had 4 days left to complete my goal (totally do-able) I became really sick.  Boo.  Otherwise great.

My second goal was to participate in at least one race/event each month.  I made this goal as well.  In the cool months I only participated in one race each month, but in the summer I had up to 3 events in a month.  I'm also really pleased that I was able to participate in so many different events.  Basic 5Ks and cold weather 4-milers, color runs, some charity events, a team relay, a Ragnar Relay, a trail half marathon and a marathon.  Wow.  It was awesome!

I know it's February and that I have already missed an entire month of running this year.  All I can say is oooops.  I'm not going to dwell on it.  I'm going to move on and do some more fun stuff and just keep on doing what makes me feel happy and well.  (you should all do the same!)

As always, Thank You for reading!  Have a great rest of the week!  Do something amazing this year.  There is still plenty of time!

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