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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Cici the racing bike

I have a racing bike that my coworker fixed up for me.  Her name is Cici and he's bringing her home today and hopefully I won't die on my first ride...

I pretty much only know; ride on the right, wear a helmet... :P

Here she is and hopefully I will have time to update you all more in the future about our adventures.

Thanks for reading and have a great summer day!


  1. Wearing a helmet is good. :-) Have fun!

    1. Haha! I realized I also knew to predominately use the brake that controls the rear wheel. So I gues I knew 3 things! :) I hope you are having a great summer!

  2. Yay! Road riding is a lot of fun, especially in St. Lawrence county. The small amount of traffic on country roads is nice. Just remember, you are a vehicle on the road. Do as you would in a car (except stay to the right and wear a helmet, like you said.) :-)

    1. Thanks Jess! I'm amazed by how far and fast I can go in such a short time. After mostly running -which is SO slow.... lol :) So far so good!
