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Friday, July 5, 2013

Ding Dong the house is sold! (a self reflection)

The greatest stress in my life has been relieved.  Our house in Cleveland has transferred to the new owners!!!  We listed the house for sale at the beginning of last July.  It's been a long year.  Not only did we sell our house, but we moved to a new state and had a new baby a few weeks later.  In the past year we have lived in 4 different houses.  It was a lot of upheaval.  We are still unpacking from our most recent move.  I think it's going to take a while to get everything back the way I like it.  Despite everything, I'm optimistic that we will recover from all of this very nicely.

I have no more excuses.

When I run I ponder whether I am running to a new self or away from my old self. And with lots of time to think, I have decided that I am running to a new self.  I think this is why my steps are still tentative, why it's easy to skip a workout.  I fear the unknown and where my life is taking me.  I think if I was running away from myself I would just sprint.  It's that fear of not knowing that keeps me from just leaving myself behind.  All the mental baggage.  All the anxiety.  What if the future me is no better off than the me of right now?

Tonight I feel like I have been cut free from a net that has been holding me down.  The stress of selling our house has been really hard on me.  Over time, each new "issue" with the house sale became harder and harder to deal with even though I think the normal me would have been able to handle them under different circumstances.  I dreaded the sound my phone made when I received an email because too often they announced something I didn't want to hear about the sale.

BUT IT'S DONE!  woot woot!  

I think it's going to take a while to crack away from always thinking something bad is about to happen.

One day at a time.  One mile at a time.

Happy Happy Happy Friday everyone!

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