I'm still sick. I have been stuffed up with nasty cold-like symptoms for an entire week now. I have not run for 7 days.
I did go to Zumba on Saturday. I thought I was not going to make it through class. I was exhausted and clammy sweaty. When I got home we spent the afternoon outside because it was so nice out. I felt pretty OK. By late evening I was really dragging, but I was hopeful I would be able to at least do part of my Sunday long run the following day.
I woke up in the middle of the night with a really sever earache. Tom went to the 24 hour grocery store to buy Mucinex in an effort to get my ear un-stuffed and to hopefully relive the pressure and pain. A couple hours later, still in the middle of the night, my eardrum ruptured and drained. Fun Fun. Sunday I felt really horrible and spent most of the day on the sofa. My ear continued to ache and drain. I can't remember the last time I spent the entire day in my pajamas, but that is how I spent Sunday.
So Monday rolls around and I felt much better than Sunday, but still by 2 PM I ended up on the sofa with no energy. I had this delusional idea that I would get up and go to Zumba at 6 PM (it's a new time! so excited about Monday night Zumba), but instead I went to the after-hours clinic. I'm really thankful there is an after-hours clinic, but seriously there can't be a way to get medical attention that is much slower than it is there. Because of the continuing pain and drainage they prescribed antibiotics -the Zpack. I JUST made it to the pharmacy to pick it up before they closed. When I got home I took my pills and plopped into bed.
Today my ear is still draining but not as painful as it has been for the past few days. I feel a bit better but the Zpack is making my stomach hurt. I'm probably still delusional, but I would REALLY like to try and get a teeny tiny run in tonight. Getting REALLY nervous about the marathon coming up. I have missed 4 runs now.
One day at a time, that's the best I can do. Guess I had better focus on getting better or I won't be running consistently for a while. Very big sad face.
Thanks for reading!
Believe in your training hun, it will be ok.