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Sunday, July 22, 2018

5K week 4 & 5! :)


I'm going to keep this short and sweet.  I'm still going, going, going and I'm so happy about it!  I haven't been perfect and I've missed a run here and there, but I'm just happy with my forward progres instead of giving up entirely because I'm busy.

Week 4:

Tuesday run: 2.25 miles
Honestly, this was so long ago that I can't remember anything special about this run.  Oh wait!  I wore my running clothes, right down to my shoes, to the boys evening soccer practice so that I could run right when we came back -and I did :)

Beautiful sunset behind me!

Thursday run: 1.5 miles
Yay!  Quick and I remembered that Tom bought me this AMAZING lighted running vest for this past Christmas.  I LOVE how safe this makes me feel.  We live on a semi-busy road with a small area between the white line and a ditch so wearing this vest is a great investment (then we turn onto not busy roads and can run for miles -Ahhhh I love the country).  You can find it here: Amazon: Tracer 360 Vest  I've always worn a reflective vest, and then invested in some Nathan's Amazon: Strobe Lights when I really ran outside at night frequently, but this is really the ultimate in illumination.

It can blink in different patterns and colors or stay solid on one of the many colors.  

Long run:  Missed it.  We went to the Great Lakes Wine Festival Friday-Sunday morning and it just didn't happen.  I had this dream that we would hike Watkins Glen for cross train on Friday and then rest on Saturday and get up early Sunday for a long run before we went home... BUT we had to high-tail it to Lake Placid, NY by "noon" to get a new...


Meet Kona! Our rescue pup from The Joshua Fun Dog Rescue

She's a "pure" chocolate labrador retriever (no papers but she's all lab) rescued from Texas that just turned 5 months old.  She is an absolute DOLL.  We all LOVE her so much she is playful, well mannered, and also VERY sleepy... Hahaha

Puppy cuteness overload!

Tom and I drove home from Watkin's Glen and dropped off our camper (you camp at the Watkins Glen international raceway during the wine festival) and then drove to Lake Placid, met up with Kona and drove home... For a grand total of a VERY long day of driving -about 10 hours.  Let me just quickly say that if you are going to be driving all over the place on a beautiful summer day, driving the Finger Lakes and the Adirondacks is really not that big of a hardship.  SOOOOOO beautiful!!! 

That is Whiteface Mountain behind us at Camp Joshua where we picked up Kona.  This is our official adoption photo.

OK, quickly onto Week 5!

Tuesday run: 2.5 miles 
Nothing amazing... 

I love running in the evening.

Thursday run on Friday: 2 miles
Missed my run Thursday night because of LOTS of grocery shopping, but made it up Friday night.

Headlamp and the half-moon over my shoulder!  It was after 10 PM when I was done.

I was dead by the last half mile.  I've switched over to eating the South Beach Diet... It's my favorite way to eat healthy and I need a change.  I've been reading more of the Racing Weight book and I really do need to ditch some of the fat pounds that I carry if I want to run some real races again in my future... Running on a low carbohydrate intake is difficult, but after the first two weeks (breaking my cravings for anything and everything with sugar) I can add back fruit and whole grains and I'll be just fine.  Better now, when I'm running short miles, than later when I'm supposed to really run long... 

OK.  That's it for this post!  I have more fun stuff to write about, but I'm hungry for breakfast :)

Thanks for reading and enjoy your weekend!

#running #blogmom #joshuafunddogrescue #getfit #SouthBeachDiet #backontrack

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