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Monday, July 23, 2018

Swim a mile for Hospice

I actually think I might be crazy, but I bought a bunch of stuff to start open water swimming and haven't used it... Then I saw the advertisement for a fund raising event in the next town over to raise money for our county Hospice and I decided I would sign right up. 

It's a 1 mile swim in open water.

It is in 3 weeks on August 11th.  It is non-competitive and I put in that I can swim a 500 meter in a very long time (I had to Google what a long time for a 500 meter swim would be) so that they will hopefully put me in one of the last groups.  I plan on just essentially scoping out a group swim and seeing just how far swimming a mile feels and going as slow as I need to.

I have never been a competitive swimmer, but I am a competent swimmer and I'm relaxed and don't think I will panic or anything.  The only open water swimming I have done was at my friend's house as a teen on the Oswegatchie River.  Oh wait, I also swam in some springs in Florida, which was kind of freaky because they were extremely deep.  Oh right, and that time I jumped off a boat in the St. Lawrence River to retrieve my boyfriend's hat (now husband of 11 years) and that didn't go very well, but I'm here to tell you about it, so I lived and all...

I'm hoping to get some swimming in over the next 3 weeks, but since my goal is to just make it through the course I'm not too worried about it. 

Here is the event if you want to learn more:  Swim a Mile for Hospice

And I'm also fund raising, so if you want to support my local hospice -which is a great cause (Hospice of St. Lawrence County) feel free to click here to visit my page and donate!

Thanks for reading! :)
Happy Monday!

And here's a gratuitous picture of my cute Kona.

#blogmom #openwaterswim #swimamileforhospice #getfit #backontrack #crosstraining

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