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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Could have skipped, but I didn't

My Aunt.  She's pretty amazing.  There is no way I would be training to run a half marathon if she didn't come over and watch the boys for me Tues and Thurs mornings while I run and shower.  (the shower part is the best)

She emailed me last night that she wouldn't be coming this morning as my Uncle needed their car, but that I could call if I still wanted to run and to come pick her up.  This morning I was stiff.  That hasn't happened in a while.  I think I might have overdone my dancing a little bit last night at Zumba?  I haven't felt like I was hit by a bus for a long time.  I could have just taken today off.  I could have not called.  I could have not gone to pick up my Aunt and stayed in my jammies a little longer.  But I didn't.  I called her up, put on my running gear, and then picked her up.  I'm not at all sorry.  It turns out the part of me that is stiff and sore is the Zumba part and that the Running part of me is still limber and able to go, go, go (4 miles today and on Tues.)!  I guess that's why Zumba is such a great cross train for me.  I can work really hard at Zumba and still have some running legs the next morning.  There is a lot of my body that running doesn't really "work" and Zumba seems to reach in and use it.  Like most Thursdays I'm ready for my rest day tomorrow but I feel really great and happy with myself.

Out running I was thinking about how much the tone of my blog has changed as I have been feeling better and better.  I was really at a low when I dragged myself out of bed the day I started this blog.  That deep inside happy me wanted out really badly.  I was really worried and upset after I started it.  I'm pretty sure I got back in bed for more napping while both boys were asleep.  But right from the start it has been so helpful and everyone has been really great and encouraging!  I hardly ever talk about the boys anymore.  They are still crazy (and so fun and awesome), but it doesn't bother me as much anymore.  Definitely not worth blogging about.

For sure running and Zumba-ing have been a great way for me to be a better Mom.

Happy Reading!  It's almost Friday and a long weekend!  Happy Labor Day everyone!

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