I was pretty excited and anxious for the race. Now that I have finished last in a race I'm so worried it will happen again. Thankfully there were at least as many walkers as runners. The walkers had a 10 minute lead on the runners. It was fun to pass them. I decided to try and run fast. My first mile was a 9:20 min/mile pace. I think this is the fastest mile I have ever recorded. !!!! I was pretty stoked, but by the end of two miles I was pretty dead. The third mile was pretty grueling. My pace dropped to about 11 mins/mile. I remember literally telling myself I had to put a little more effort into it than a shuffle. I pushed pretty hard in the last mile and finished in 39 minutes. That's an average of 10.20 mins/mile. Not bad for me! Tom did a fantastic job pushing the boys and finished in 33? I think that's amazing. I'm sooo slow if I push the stroller. The boys were troopers about the rain and were very content snuggled into the jog stroller with their snacks.
I did the race instead of going to Zumba. I was slated to run 6 miles on Sunday and I really wanted to do it because it would be the farthest distance I have ever gone. I think Tom thought I was a little crazy since I had just pushed pretty hard the day before, but I set out and he strapped the boys in a pushed for a few miles himself. It was pretty tough. It was hot and sunny and the late afternoon. I was maybe jogging a 11-11.30 min/mile? I just kept putting my feet one step ahead. I envisioned a clock face broken up into 6 pieces and watched the hands go around in my mind. Once I hit 4 miles I felt like I was home free. Two more miles wasn't that hard. When I was finished I waded into the pool and Tom handed me baby Darren and I walked around for a while in the cold water. I felt pretty good! I recall thinking that I could probably do it again for a total of 12 miles (VERY slow ones, but it felt do-able). I used Nuun in my water bottles on my fitness belt and ate a honey stinger chew after each mile. Switching to Gu and honey stinger chews is MUCH better than the gummy bears. They don't bother me at all and seem to help me push past the sugar low feeling I usually get after 3 miles. I don't think I could eat a Gu while running because they are so thick I think I would gag, but the chews are nice and the fruit flavor is nice and refreshing. I washed them all down with a gulp of Nuun. I also drank a gulp of Nuun at each half mile. At the end of the workout I ate a Gu energy gel. I did this mostly because right after getting out of the pool we took showers and went to the fireworks display -I figured I needed some energy before I could flop into bed later.
Monday I was sore sore sore sore. I guess I have IT band issues. For me there is no knee pain or tight feeling in my legs, it is all in the Tensor Fascia Lata (TFL) -the muscle at the top of the IT band, right up under my hip crest on my outer right side. Looks like I need to strengthen and stretch my bum more and work on getting the kinks out of the TFL before it gets worse. (I should probably see a Dr....) I'll see if I can keep it under control and go from there. It has been bothering me from the beginning -even back when I was only walking. I guess this is common and has to do with a gait that is more TFL and not enough glute. I proceeded with my Tuesday and Thursday runs of 4 miles each. The first mile is pretty stiff and then I feel pretty good. Wednesday was Zumba. I'm not sure if it hurts my TFL... There is a lot of hip movement, which I think should be good to keep it loose and to work all the supporting muscles... We'll see.
That's it for now!
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