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Saturday, June 23, 2018

Reading Writing and #Running

Another short 1.5 mile run performed on Thursday!

Nice run on the first day of summer!

So slow, but done!

One quick note about my training:  When I was running before the area that we lived in was almost completely flat.  We now live in a pretty hilly area.  If I go one way from our house I go directly downhill for a quarter of a mile (and then have to run back up that hill at the very end of my runs), if I go the other way within the first half mile there are two hills.  I'm hoping that this will make me a stronger runner but it is absolute torture.  hahaha

Other than the short run on Thursday I have been reading the "Racing Weight" book.  So far I'm working on increasing the "quality" of my diet.  I'm pretty sure I would be completely embarrassed to show you what I have eaten daily for the past year.  I've fallen into the pit of chips and chocolate, and more beers and wine than I needed to enjoy.  The result is that I'm carrying around 15 pounds more than I EVER let myself carry and 25 more than my typical "goal".  After Jeremy I got down "easily" to under my typical goal.  After Darren it took longer, but I made it briefly to my goal, but then gained about 8 pounds while I was training for my marathon (I guess this is a rookie nutrition mistake).  Since having Andrea I have "tried" and not really actually tried to get there and have only made it to within 10 pounds.  She is almost 3!  Yikes.  

I think "Racing Weight" is a great book because it is based on scientific experiments and does a nice job of explaining things in detail.  One thing that I thought was important for me is that he says that as people gain weight as they age their goal weight changes.  This is pertinent to me because lately I've been like, maybe my goal isn't really realistic (now that I'm a sluggy mom) and I should set the bar a bit heavier, but I guess we shouldn't do that.  So instead I'm going to need to beat my bum into shape and still try to get to my original goal.  Uggggghhhhh 25 pounds away.  

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
#goals #running #getfit #training

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