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Monday, September 9, 2013

Fast! Hey, all this running is paying off!

Slated for my Sunday long run this week was a 5K race.  I didn't find an actual race to attend so I just ran it against myself.  I was really hoping to do a solid 10 minute mile for the duration of the 3.1.  I even did a little warm up "lap" to work out the stiffness I feel at the beginning of my runs so that when I started recording I would be fast!  I pushed and pushed and I did 9.30 minute miles!!!! WOW.  For me that's fantastic!  My phone died right at the end of 3 miles so I didn't finish the .1 of the 5K and instead rushed inside to revive my phone and save my run.  My splits were 9.39, 9.30, and 9.39 mins/mile.  I'm amazed and very excited.

I guess all this running IS paying off!

I felt like I was running pretty hard and I guess I was.  I usually do just under 11 for my typical training runs and a bit over 11 for my long ones.  

It probably helped that I took Sat. off from Zumba (it was canceled anyway) and so I hadn't exercised since Thursday morning.  Even my hip was feeling a bit better with two days off.  Back to lots of hydrating and stretching today also hopefully some strength exercises.  Probably ones to help with the IT band.  

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I think all that core work you are doing is helping, too. I hope you are feeling mighty proud of yourself!
