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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Month Two Goals

I hadn't thought to make goals for my next month.  Thank you Bill for the idea!

I thought about what my goals will be for my second month and decided to keep it simple.  

1) Stick with the program I have laid out for myself.  
-Monday; strength train (Do whatever looks "fun" to stave off boredome)
-Tuesday; run
-Wednesday; yoga (run if possible)
-Thursday; run (I think strength training gets added here as well at some point this month)
-Friday; REST
-Saturday; cross train (ZUMBA!!!)
-Sunday; long run

2) Stay injury free.

3) Breath and relax as much as possible.

Training update:
Friday was rest day.  I rested!  Done!  That was easy.

Saturday was cross train day so of course I shook my bod at Zumba!  Soooo much fun and felt great.  During the "arm" song I went to get weights and there were only 2 lbs.  I used to think just no weight was pretty hard, but have been using 1 lb weights.  I didn't want to go to the weight closet and come back empty-handed so I used the 2 lb weights.  I really did struggle, but I did it!  Thank you Natalie for giving me the following quote (that has been motivating/haunting me since you sent it),

"if it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you".

Thanks buddy!

Today was long run day.  I only had to complete one mile, but it was the first time without walking.  From here on out it is only jogging.  If I have to walk, I am supposed to keep it under a minute at a time and jog as much as possible.  I think that is more for the longer days.  The jog today was pretty challenging because I took the hilly country road and not the flat highway that I used last week.  I also continued to walk comfortably after the jog for grand total of 3 miles.  Tom pushed the boys while I jogged and then I took them when I was done my mile and then we walked together and enjoyed the sunny morning.

Hope you all had great weekends.  Thanks for reading and have a great week! 

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