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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Two Days Into 10K Training (seriously this feels like marathon training)

Can I just reiterate that I LOVE having a goal and setting up a plan to get there.

I've been trying to stay active because it makes me feel really great, but without a goal and a plan I was just sort of puttering through occasional runs and Zumba classes.  

I know it's only been a couple days since I decided to train for a 10K in May, but I feel so much more focused and happy to have a goal and be on my way.

Tuesdays plan was to do my Zumba class and I did.  It was so nice to be back at class after my instructor was out for medical reasons all last week.  I am not doing the moves as deeply and I'm paying attention to my breathing.  I also have to stop for potty breaks and take drinks of water after almost every song, but I'm there having fun!  So far so good with the Zumba.

Today (Weds.) the plan was a 2.5 mile run.  The weather was mild this morning with sun, no wind, and 32 (It's supposed to be warmer later, but also rain) so I strapped Darren into the single stroller all snug as a bug while Jeremy was at morning Pre-K and out we went.  Man, I find it hard to push a stroller and run!  I was super slow and I had some round ligament pain that made me walk quite a bit.  I would get going and when I took a walk break I would get some pain and have to walk that out before I tried running again.  BUT, I put in the 2.5 miles and at least we got some fresh air and I was nice and sweaty.  Ahhhh.  Now if it would just be mild every day.

So, I'm off and going on the training!  Thanks for reading!

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