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Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It's yoga day. I almost considered not going tonight. The kids and I had a rough day Monday and it is still wearing on me. I've been a little bit down. The laundry is still sitting in a basket at night waiting to be folded when I crawl into bed and the dish that needs to be hand washed keeps soaking (I know, I know, not a big deal, but I'm one of those people that likes to have everything "done" before the next day starts). Plus my left knee was bothering me yesterday and that had me worried I was already on my way to an injury. (Btw knee feels pretty ok today). Eh!

I'm so glad I have this blog to keep me on the straight and narrow! Also the 12 class card I purchased the first day helps get me there! It's already paid for. I just have to show up and reap the rewards. And the rewards abound!

The class was a really great blend of counter stretching deeply all the major muscles ( and minor!). All the deep breathing! Ah! I feel SO much better. It's like the stress peels off as I bend, flex, and breath. I feel like I can literally breath easier. When I'm stressed out I hold my breath and my chest gets all tight. Yoga made my day feel right again. (I probably should have tried some Monday night!)

Thanks for being there and thanks for reading!

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