I use "reminders" on my phone to help me remember to do daily things. I've always been a list girl. I would go so far as to write "eat lunch" on a list just so I could cross it off. Also on this list might eat breakfast, shower, make dinner, eat dinner, clean up from dinner... Ha! Nothing like that sense of accomplishment that comes from scribbling out yet another item.
A few months ago I programmed "reminders" to tell me to exercise at 10:30AM. At the time Baby Darren was taking a pretty predictable morning nap and Jeremy didn't mind watching me do workout DVDs. My plan was to try to have my workout done during Darren's morning nap.
I think this actually worked for three weeks. After that my plans to exercise dissolved along with my resolve to finally get myself into post-baby gear.
Despite all this, my reminder to exercise comes on every morning. So now for the past three months I have clicked that the task was completed, even though I had not exercised (except Zumba days). I would wait all day with the task waiting to be fulfilled and then desolately check the task away before going to bed.
Tonight while setting up the treadmill for another mile, I noticed my reminder to exercise and smiled as I clicked the task complete.
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